
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
5 Ways to Promote Digital Citizenship - BBEDU 25
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Featured Content
5 Ways to Promote Digital Citizenship at Home and School
- Emphasize content creation over content consumption.
- Model for our kids - both at home and at school - how to develop a balance between online and offline.
- Cite sources and use creative commons licensed media.
- Remind our kids that 13 is the magic number for social media.
- Be educated consumers of media.
What I'm Learning
One of the first and one of my favorite podcasts to listen to is called Note to Self. Note to Self's tag line is "the tech show about being human." This show explores technology and its impact on our face to face world. The most recent episode of of Note to Self is called "How to Create Good Digital Citizens". In this episode, host Manoush Zomorodi talks wit the CEO of ISTE, Richard Culatta about core competencies of good digital citizenship for both students and adults.
Connect with the Show
JP on episode 3 of the METC Minipod
JP's Twitter: @jpprezz
JP's Instagram: @jpprezz
Bits and Bytes on Twitter: @bitsandbytesEDU
Talk about the show: #bitsandbytesEDU
Leave feedback on the Bits & Bytes of Education Flipgrid community! jpprezz.com/flipgrid

Monday Sep 23, 2019
Edtech PodSquad Simulcast - BBEDU 24
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
On episode 24 of The Bits & Bytes of Education, I share a recent episode of The Edtech PodSquad, a podcast I cohost with 4 Missouri Technology Leaders.
What's New: Flipgrid updates
Coach's Corner: SeeSaw for Schools
Featured Content: How do you praise the amazing work classroom teachers are doing?
Connect with the Show
JP's Instagram: @jpprezz
Bits and Bytes on Twitter: @bitsandbytesEDU
Talk about the show: #bitsandbytesEDU
Leave feedback on the new Bits & Bytes of Education Flipgrid community! jpprezz.com/flipgrid

Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Google Tools in the Math Classroom - BBEDU 23
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
The Edtech Minute
Thank you to these educators who chatted with me at ISTE:
Donna Albertsons shared her thoughts about podcasting for PD. Connect with Donna on Twitter @albertsonsclass
Katie Cherry shared her ISTE take away. Connect with Katie on Twitter @teachcherry2014
I shared my thoughts about using Apple Clips to share learning. Check out Apple's Everyone Can Create curriculum to learn more.
Featured Content
Dee Leible is a math teacher, conference presenter, and Google for Education Certified Trainer. In our conversation, Dee shares ideas and resources for meaningful integration of technology in the math classroom.
Connect with Dee on Twitter @deelieble and check out her website deeleible.com
Connect with the Show
JP's Twitter: @jpprezz
JP's Instagram: @jpprezz
Bits and Bytes on Twitter: @bitsandbytesEDU
Talk about the show: #bitsandbytesEDU
Leave feedback on the new Bits & Bytes of Education Flipgrid community! jpprezz.com/flipgrid

Friday Jun 14, 2019
5 Tips for Attending BIG Conferences - BBEDU22
Friday Jun 14, 2019
Friday Jun 14, 2019
The Edtech Minute
Podcasting with students can be an inexpensive project. Here's what you need to get started:
1 teacher account to Anchor.FM
1 Chromebook
1 Yeti microphone
Featured Content
Jen Walter is a middle school science teacher and edtech leader from St. Louis, Missouri. In our conversation, we discuss five tips for having making the most of your time at major conferences:
- Plan ahead and be prepared to wait in line.
- Have a back up plan.
- Have a system in place for taking and organizing your learning.
- Take time to process your learning.
- Grow your PLN and make a new friend.
What I'm Learning
I was recently given the opportunity to serve my school district in a new capacity as the Communication and Instructional Technology Coordinator. My new responsibilities will include telling my school district's story and building our brand both on and offline. Don't worry, this podcast isn't going anywhere, though.
Connect with the Show
P's Twitter: @jpprezz
JP's Instagram: @jpprezz
Bits and Bytes on Twitter: @bitsandbytesEDU
Talk about the show: #bitsandbytesEDU
Leave feedback on the new Bits & Bytes of Education Flipgrid community! jpprezz.com/flipgrid

Friday May 31, 2019
Level Up Student Reflections with Screencastify and Google - BBEDU 21
Friday May 31, 2019
Friday May 31, 2019
Full show notes at jpprezz.com/pod/21
The Edtech Minute
Toontastic 3D is a digital storytelling app by made by Google with our younger learners in mind. There are 3 major reasons I recommend Toontastic:
- Ease of use
- Privacy compliant
- A new way for students to share their learning.
Here is a storyboard template for any digital storytelling project.
Featured Content
In my school district we have incoming freshmen create a video high school entry interview where they reflect on middle school and look ahead to high school.
Tools we used:
Google Classroom
Google Sheets
What I'm Learning
The Art of Manliness episode 506 - how to improve your speaking voice
Connect with the Show
JP's Twitter: @jpprezz
JP's Instagram: @jpprezz
Bits and Bytes on Twitter: @bitsandbytesEDU
Talk about the show: #bitsandbytesEDU
Leave feedback on the new Bits & Bytes of Education Flipgrid community! jpprezz.com/flipgrid

Sunday May 12, 2019
Video Projects in the Classroom - BBEDU 20
Sunday May 12, 2019
Sunday May 12, 2019
Connect with the show
JP's Twitter: @jpprezz
JP's Instagram: @jpprezz
Bits and Bytes on Twitter: @bitsandbytesEDU
Talk about the show: #bitsandbytesEDU
Leave feedback on the new Bits & Bytes of Education Flipgrid community! jpprezz.com/flipgrid
The Edtech Minute
No matter what you are doing in your class, always know and start with the why.
Featured Content
Samantha Hardesty-Knoll is an Instructional Technology Coach in the Wentzville School District in Wentzville, MO. Sam is passionate about giving students an opportunity to create content more often than they consume it. In our conversation, Sam discusses the Wentzville Film Festival, creating video projects with Apple Clips and We Video, along with some her her favorite video projects for teachers new to facilitating creation and teachers looking to try something brand new.
Connect with Sam on Twitter @techknoll.
What I'm Learning
Eric Curts' Hipster Google: Tools You've Probably Never Heard of
My favorite new tools from this presentation:

Saturday Apr 27, 2019
#Edtech in the Spanish Classroom - BBEDU 19
Saturday Apr 27, 2019
Saturday Apr 27, 2019
Connect with JP and the show:
JP's Twitter: @jpprezz
JP's Instagram: @jpprezz
Bits and Bytes on Twitter: @bitsandbytesEDU
Talk about the show: #bitsandbytesEDU
The Edtech Minute
Schedule email messages in Gmail - quick demo here
Customize swipe actions in Gmail on your phone - Google support article
Featured Content
Sra. Katherine Bluemel is a first year middle school Spanish teacher at Fox Middle School in Arnold, MO. In our conversation, we discuss Katherine's YouTube presence, evaluating edtech with the Triple E Framework, and Flipgrid.
Triple E Framework App Evaluation Rubric
Katherine's YouTube Channel
My interview on Katherine's YouTube Channel
What I'm Learning
Presentation proposal planning document. Feel free to use, improve, and re-share this document. Shout out to Erin Lawson for collaborating with me on this document.

Monday Apr 08, 2019
Leading a District Twitter Challenge - BBEDU 18
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
The Edtech Minute
According to the G Suite Update Blog, the ability to insert audio in Google Slides is coming to all G Suite users soon.
Featured Content
Here are a few things to consider when you are planning a Twitter challenge:
1. How will you automate your workflow? Schedule tweets with Tweetdeck or Hootsuite.
2. Design prompts in Canva or Google Drawings.
3. Communicate, communicate, communicate (newsletters, emails, building-level flyers)
4. What’s your hashtag? What story does it tell?
5. Curating tweets to review is important, too. Twitter Moments, walls.io
Here are a few things I’ve learned throughout the past 4 Twitter challenges:
1. Timing matters. Pick a time of year that isn’t too busy and don’t stretch out the challenge for too long. I have found that 10 days is the sweet spot.
2. Just because the challenge is on Twitter, doesn’t mean it has to be all tech all the time.
3. No matter how big or small your district is, you will learn about some amazing things happening in classrooms and schools.
4. Don’t stop with the Twitter challenge. Twitter is best utilized as a starting point. Make connections, ask questions, get to know people past their 280 characters and GIFs.
5. Twitter isn’t for everyone and that’s okay.

Friday Mar 15, 2019
Start your own Educational Conference - BBEDU17
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Get the full show notes at jpprezz.com/pod/17.
The Edtech Minute
Create a folder in the bookmark bar of Google Chrome to store tabs that you would otherwise keep open. Bookmark folders can hold webpages, Google Docs, and even emails!
Featured Content
Shannon Steimel is the librarian and technology committee chair at Lift for Life Academy in St. Louis, MO. In our conversation, Shannon discussed the many hats she wears and how she started the PD Bytes Online mini-conference series.
PD Bytes PE online mini-conference: Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019.
What I'm Learning
ISTE has a new podcast called "Your Edtech Questions" Check out episode 3, where hosts Zac Chase and Amal Giknis chat with Dr. Liz Kolb all about digital distraction.

Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Technology's Role in Literacy Instruction - BBEDU 16
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
The Edtech Minute
Reader Response GIFs with andtheniwaslike.co. Here is a Google Slides template to get you started.
Featured Content
Tina Risse serves the Fox C-6 School District as the District Literacy Coordinator/K-5 Curriculum Coordinator. Tina is passionate about helping all children discover the love of reading. Throughout our conversation, Tina shares some invaluable suggestions for teaching literacy and when technology can enhance literacy instruction.
Tina is reading: Read, Write, Teach by Linda Rief
Tina's Twitter recommendation: The Teacher's College Reading and Writing Project
Tina's teacher shout out: Laura Roberson, Sherwood Elementary School
Fox C-6 Summer Literacy Institute is three days of incredible learning for secondary educators focused around best practices of reading and writing instruction.
What I'm Learning
Dr. Joe Sanfelippo's Twitter
1 minute walk to work video series
Hacking Leadership